Our solutions contribute to the emergence of a new generation of electron microscopes that, for example, are not at all troubled by noise. This imaging technology is derived from solutions originally developed for experiments in the giant particle accelerator at CERN. AdvaScope is a spin-off of the Prague company ADVACAM, whose radiation detectors protect astronauts and electronics in space but also serve in the fields of art, medicine, construction, and energy.

We combine decades of experience in cutting-edge detector design with a deep understanding of customer requirements. We focus on long-term partnerships across the industry, optimizing our detectors for each application.

Our team covers all detector design and manufacturing aspects, high-speed readout electronics, and bespoke software developments. We provide the most flexible detector design, long-term support, and the most advanced detectors on the market.

  • (4D) STEM in SEM/TEM
  • µED (micro electron diffraction)
  • EBSD
  • EELS
  • Micro/nano CT
  • Ptychography