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Other sectors in #brnoregion

Brno is a good address for research and development, as evidenced by the success of local companies and research projects, as well as the interest of global technology leaders and foreign investors.
6.7 % high-tech
of people employed in high-tech industries
IT professionals
The highest paid group of specialists
In Czechia in the concentration of R&D companies
3 billion
3 billion
chips worldwide on the open RISC-V standard developed by Codasip

See more data and information in the Data Report and Toolbox


From a place that once dressed the world and boasts more than 250 years of industrial tradition, the #brnoregion has become the Czech centre of innovation. The region's success is based both on its ability to build on its strong historical know-how and on its exceptional links with universities and research centres.  

"Brno region has a truly privileged position in this. My colleagues abroad often do not even realise that the astronomically expensive instruments they use for their research come from Brno. I cannot think of another city where advertisements for research and development jobs are routinely played on the tram. That makes us really special."  

Pavel Tomančák, Director of CEITEC 


Brno has long succeeded in attracting major global IT companies, which have established their branches and research centres here. There is a significant amount of investment in IT science and thanks to the high concentration of students, Brno is an ideal hunting ground for (not only) IT talent. Of all the local companies with in-house R&D, most of them are doing business in IT.

#brnoregion excels in:  
  • Software development and programming  

  • Speech technology  

  • Consulting and IT services  

  • IT platform development and e-commerce services  

  • AI. 

Biotechnology and Health tech
Biotechnology and Health tech

Brno is in the centre of the European biotech scene. The concentration of high-quality research in the biological and medical sciences and the presence of top-quality hospitals make it possible to saturate the supply of quality graduates and to link educational, research and clinical practice. The sector is growing with the help of the biotechnology incubator INBIT and thanks to the cooperation with centres such as the International Clinical Research Centre of St. Anne's University Hospital in Brno (FNUSA) and CEITEC.

#brnoregion excels in:  
  • Medical products  

  • Pharmaceuticals  

  • Diagnostics 

Advanced manufacturing
Advanced manufacturing

Although several large traditional Czech engineering companies faced serious financial difficulties in the 1990s, engineering (especially power engineering, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering) and electronics remain the most important industries in the region. Companies in #brnoregion focus mainly on the low-volume high-precision manufacturing and the use of advanced technologies.

#brnoregion excels in:
  • Engines, turbines and hydraulic equipment  

  • Metalworking machinery and precision engineering  

  • Industrial equipment and engineering units  

  • Special manufacturing machines  

Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0

The Digital Innovation Hub DIGIMAT continues the rich industrial tradition in the region. Its ambition is not only to educate in digital innovation, but also to represent an important networking hub – connecting manufacturing companies with research and technology. The Testbed CEITEC BUT for Industry 4.0 also helps companies in the region to put solutions into practice.

#brnoregion excels in:  
  • Industrial Control Systems  

  • AI implementation  

  • Robotic systems 


The South Moravian Region is part of the European Alliance of Semiconductor Regions. Research and development of related technologies is concentrated in Brno. This is also due to the world dominance in the production of electron microscopes. The region boats a functional ecosystem composed of top academic institutions, leading companies and their supply chain, startups and innovation centres.

#brnoregion excels in:
  • Research and development  

  • Development of processor cores based on the open RISC-V architecture  

  • Electron microscopy  

Shared business services
Shared business services

Brno is a European hub for business and IT services. In no other European city is the employment density in the sector as high as in the Moravian capital. Currently, one in six of Brno's working-age population works in the sector. Leading Brno centres include Atlas Copco, Deutsche Telekom, Infosys, KBC, Kyndryl, Lufthansa InTouch, SAP and Zebra Technologies.

#brnoregion excels in:
  • Employment density in the industry  

  • Attractiveness of infrastructure  

  • Innovations impacting the operations of parent companies around the world (e.g. in digitalization, implementation of artificial intelligence, data analytics, etc.) 

Creative industry
Creative industry

Brno is the only place in the Czech Republic that provides its creative industry with systematic entrepreneurship support. The KUMST creative hub fosters a community of creative people who collaborate across various industries such as architecture, design, fashion, film, game development, literature, marketing, music, radio, and TV. 

 #brnoregion excels in:
  • Founding the first Gamebaze incubator  

  • Developing a community of creative professionals  

  • Activity within the New European Bauhaus network 

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