The South Moravian Region is a good manager indeed. It influences the everyday lives of its inhabitants in various areas, including healthcare, transportation, education, sports, and culture. It has also won the Kraj mého srdce (Region of My Heart) competition; simply put, a region it’s pure joy to live in.
For 20 years now, the South Moravian Region has been creating conditions for satisfied lives of almost 1.2 million people. And it’s active almost everywhere – from healthcare, education, and transportation to culture and sports.
Its friendly approach and expertise are essential for the Ambulance Services of the South Moravian Region, nine regional hospitals, and four healthcare organizations. Pupils and students in South Moravia have 182 regional organizations and schools to choose from.
It is the only region in the Czech Republic taking care of the foreigners who are either already here or about to come, as well as subjects working with foreigners for over 11 years now, through a wide range of services provided by its Centre for Foreigners.
The region also plays an active role in bringing sciences closer to both adults and children through its VIDA! science centre or its digital FabLab workshop. It operates 9 museums and one research institute. Every year, it sponsors over 100 sports events and supports the education of new prospective athletes and over 600 top as well as minor sports clubs and organizations. The South Moravian Region provides as many as 420 social services. It also protects 203 significant locations as part of its Natura 2000 project, and you can find unique and beautiful nature at Pálava, Podyjí, or Moravský kras (Moravian Karst).
For 20 years now, the South Moravian Region has been creating conditions for satisfied lives of almost 1.2 million people. And it’s active almost everywhere – from healthcare, education, and transportation to culture and sports.
Its friendly approach and expertise are essential for the Ambulance Services of the South Moravian Region, nine regional hospitals, and four healthcare organizations. Pupils and students in South Moravia have 182 regional organizations and schools to choose from.
It is the only region in the Czech Republic taking care of the foreigners who are either already here or about to come, as well as subjects working with foreigners for over 11 years now, through a wide range of services provided by its Centre for Foreigners.
The region also plays an active role in bringing sciences closer to both adults and children through its VIDA! science centre or its digital FabLab workshop. It operates 9 museums and one research institute. Every year, it sponsors over 100 sports events and supports the education of new prospective athletes and over 600 top as well as minor sports clubs and organizations. The South Moravian Region provides as many as 420 social services. It also protects 203 significant locations as part of its Natura 2000 project, and you can find unique and beautiful nature at Pálava, Podyjí, or Moravský kras (Moravian Karst).