Tomáš Vystavěl
Tomáš Vystavěl
R&D Manager
Thermo Fisher Scientific
After a decade-long academic career in the Czech Republic, France and the Netherlands, I moved in the direction of applied development. Since 2005 I have been working in the Brno office of Thermo Fisher Scientific, where I am now the head of one of the development departments. My team and I are dedicated to the development of electron microscopy methods and applications for materials research, life sciences and also for the semiconductor industry. I enjoy discovering new solutions and making significant contributions along the way from initial idea to final product development. In particular, I enjoy the opportunity to lead, inspire and develop a team of experts who are respected and sought after around the world.
What did Brno give you?
Brno has given me a partner and family, many new friends and of course the opportunity to work in a field that fulfills me. It is a city I love.
3 things you love about Brno?
Brno has many qualities that I like. The size of the city is large enough to offer a wide range of options and small enough to be uncluttered and friendly. I like the young and dynamic atmosphere of the city, which attracts young people and innovators who bring new ideas and energy. At the same time, there is a sense of understanding and respect for tradition and history. Brno is...just good.

🔗 Read how Tomáš Vystavěl's work in electron microscopy contributes to the development of energy-efficient chips