ASIO, spol. s r.o. was established in 1993 as a Czech engineering supplies company with international operations. The company is involved in the development, production, and delivery of technologies for wastewater treatment, water treatment and air treatment. The wide range of water management products that it offers are employed in the treatment of wastewater from family houses, villages, towns, hospitals, and in various branches of industry. A part of its activities is devoted to the issues of rainwater and greywater, their recycling processes.
ASIO, spol. s r.o. is a Czech company represented in 32 countries, through a wide network of subsidiaries and representatives. Besides its quality production base, it has built a network of sales and service centres not only in the Czech Republic, but also in a number of European countries. All the closely cooperating companies are associated within the framework of ASIOgroup. The organisation has in place the quality management system according to ISO 9001:2015 and the environmental management system according to ISO 14001:2015; its corporate governance involves the policy of quality and environmental protection. In the development sphere, it cooperates with many academic institutions and universities, such as civil engineering and chemical technology universities.