Kapnetix was originally created in 2021 as an internal project of Gauss Algorithmic following a proof of concept project for 2K Games, one of the world's leading game studios. Already during the course of the project, it became clear that the machine learning-based technology under development had great potential for easy scalability and productization, including a sufficiently interesting target market. Soon after its launch, the contact form on the Kapnetix website began to receive regular requests and inquiries from animation studios from all over the world - from matadors such as Disney to smaller teams from Latin America and Western Europe, for example.

The company's long-term goal is therefore to democratise artificial intelligence for visual effects, which are increasingly being used by game, film and TV series creators. Tens of billions of US dollars are spent annually on these technologies, and the most successful titles can have more than 50% of their content created digitally. On the other hand, the long-term limitations of the technologies in question put enormous pressure on industry professionals in terms of the time and quality required. We believe Kapnetix AI-based solution will help break down routine tasks and give professionals more time to be creative.