Latest news from #brnoregion
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26. November 2024
[] An Entrepreneur's Guide to Brno, Czech Republic: 3 Tips for Intrepid Founders
Globally-minded entrepreneurs who are seeking to start up or expand a business in Europe often begin their search for the perfect locale in powerhouse tech hubs like Berlin, Stockholm, and London, or up-and-coming innovation ecosystems like Lisbon or Valencia.
23. August 2024
Viktor Kaplan: The inventor of the turbine that transformed hydropower
The Kaplan turbine, invented in the early 20th century in Brno, has become a cornerstone of modern hydropower and continues to generate electricity in the largest hydroelectric power plants today. What brought Austrian-born Viktor Kaplan to Brno?
5. June 2023
Take a peek at Game Access Conference 2023!
Developers from the biggest game studios in the world gathered in #brnoregion this weekend to enjoy Game Access Conference. Here is a quick report.
29. May 2023
Game Access conference brings the biggest gamedev festival of the year to Brno
One of the most important gaming events in Europe and a feast for all developers, designers, and gamers, is coming: the sixth edition of the Game Access Conference will take place on 2 and 3 June in Hall P at the Brno Exhibition Centre.
22. December 2022
What makes Christmas in #brnoregion special?
Christmas in the Czech Republic may seem the same as in lots of other countries. It's cold, the city is covered with colourful lights, a decorated Christmas tree, good food, gifts, and lots of meetups with friends and relatives. So what is so special about Czech Christmas then?
14. June 2022
New European Bauhaus: A hope for smarter Europe
The New European Bauhaus endeavors to merge the European Green Deal with quality design to be inclusive and accessible to everybody. The aim of this project is to show how sustainable innovations bring real, positive experiences into our everyday lives.
3. June 2022
Enjoy summer in #brnoregion – 10 places to go to
Summer is here and so might be your desire for an adventure. Here is our list of places and things to do if regular sightseeing bores you to death. Unique, edgy, or just plain beautiful, these tips can help you discover the gems of #brnoregion.
24. February 2021
All the best, robot!
One hundred years ago, Karel Čapek published his drama, R.U.R. This major work is famous not only for the message imparted in it by the brilliant Čapek, but also because it was the first time the word robot was ever used. The apocalyptic tale of man-made humanoids that exterminate mankind probably resonates more today than it did when it was first published.
28. January 2021
If you want to make it beyond the horizon, you have throw away your comfort
An interview with Lenka Požárová on life’s (un)certainties, tough as well as exciting moments in London, the Brno she returned to after long years, and on the fact that nothing in life is free.
6. January 2021
Helena Lukášová: The only one out of billions
An interview with Helena Lukášová on the future of artificial intelligence, the philosophy of art, and curiosity as the main drive in life.