Brnoregion microscopy

We are a #brnoregion community of companies, research and educational institutions developing the field of electron microscopy in cooperation with the city of Brno and the South Moravian Region.


Since the first electron microscope arrived in Brno in 1948, Brnoregion microscopy has evolved into a world-class field. Nowhere worldwide can you find a community of companies, research, and educational institutions that develop microscopy in cooperation with the city and region to the extent seen in the Brno area. 


The mission of the newly established microscopy platform is to deepen this cooperation and collectively position Brno as the first location anyone thinks of when speaking about electron microscopy.

Mission Statement

Whenever anyone worldwide talks about (electron) microscopy, the first association will be #brnoregion.

Main activities of the microscopy platform

Four action groups work within the platform, dedicated to developing the following key areas:


We focus on enhancing sharing and community life, attracting new talents, promoting training and development within the ecosystem.

Promotion and PR

We coordinate efforts to raise awareness of microscopy both regionally and globally and provide marketing and PR support to the other action groups and to all community members and their activities.

Supply chain development

We support the increase of regional microscopy suppliers in the number and expertise.

Promoting commercialisation

We facilitate the transfer of research results into practice and support spin-offs.

Brnoregion Microscopy control system

Twice a year, representatives of community members meet to review the groups' outputs and agree on the strategy.
Brnoregion Microscopy platfrom organization scheme


Ecosystem = people and organisations associated with Brnoregion microscopy in any way.

Community = persons and organisations actively involved in the development of Brnoregion microscopy. 

Platform = an informal organisation coordinating activities in the community to achieve joint goals.

Want to join in?